
Our Approach to Sustainability and Related Policies

Basic Philosophy

Under our corporate philosophy of "Building a more secure world through global collaboration and commitment to excellence", we aim to resolve social issues using the core technologies we have developed and advanced technologies designed to create new value, in our efforts to realize a sustainable society and increase our corporate value.

Sustainability Policy

Contribute to the sustainable growth of society and promote measures to improve corporate value

United Nations Global Compact

United Nations Global Compact

Glory signed the United Nations Global Compact in March 2014. We believe that the ten principles of the four areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption share common values with our Group’s Corporate Action Guidelines. By making various efforts based on these guidelines, the Glory Group will strive to realize its Corporate Philosophy while at the same time taking actions to address global challenges.

The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact

Human rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Anticorruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Contribution to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


The SDGs, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, represent worldwide goals for 2030 related to social issues such as poverty, employment, and environmental protection. Glory is striving to address such global challenges and contributes to the realization of a sustainable society by achieving SDGs through its business operations.

Basic policies

Glory Group Corporate Action Guidelines

Business continuity / Securing profit / Profit redistribution

We will maintain profit stability by developing businesses based on the corporate philosophy and contribute towards building a sustainable society.

Quality / Safety / Customer satisfaction

We will provide products and services in a timely manner to win the confidence and satisfaction of customers.

Information management

We will protect information such as personal data and company information.

Respect for individuals / Talent development / Workplace safety

We will respect each other’s personality and individuality and strive to create an enriching and pleasant work environment.

Example by leadership / Publicity

Under the strong leadership of the management, we will disseminate the Corporate Action Guidelines within the company and business partners, and strive to achieve them.

Legal compliance / Fair competition / Opposition to antisocial forces

We will comply with laws and regulations and respect social ethical standards, engage in transparent and fair business activities, and will not have relationships with parties that act anti-socially.

Information disclosure / Communication and cooperation with stakeholders

We will communicate with stakeholders and strive for appropriate information disclosure.

Contribution to society

We will harmonize and advance the interests of the company and society, and actively participate in social action programs as a “good corporate citizen”.

Environmental protection

We will act in earth-friendly ways and endeavor to provide environmentally-conscious products with services that contribute to a sustainable society.

International cooperation

We will engage in business activities in an internationally harmonized manner from a global perspective.

Risk management

We will strive to prevent and avoid business risk and to reduce disaster loss. We will ensure security of stakeholders.

Glory Group Human Rights Policy


The purpose of this Human Rights Policy (this “Policy”) is to enshrine the Glory Group's (“GLORY” or “our”) global stance on ensuring responsible business practices in upholding human rights within all our operations based on our corporate philosophy, and to fulfill such responsibilities. GLORY respects human rights as a cornerstone of our business activities and maintains a zero-tolerance approach to human rights violations.

2. Scope of this Policy

This Policy applies to all those working in, and with, GLORY. We also expect and continuously encourage all of our business partners, including suppliers and distributors, to understand and support the contents of this Policy, and continue to work to ensure that it is respected.

3. Respect for International Principles and Standards

GLORY is committed to respecting human rights as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and supports the UN International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.


Further, as a signatory to the UN Global Compact, GLORY supports the “Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact” and complies with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we operate. In cases where the domestic laws and regulations differ from the international norms, GLORY pursues ways to respect internationally recognized human rights principles and standards.

4. GLORY’s Ongoing Commitments

The GLORY Legal Code of Conduct and related policies, which all GLORY officers, employees and business partners are required to follow, stipulate the protection of human rights, including prohibition of discrimination and harassment. Also, we provide avenues through which to raise any related concerns on human rights and protect whistleblowers against any disadvantageous treatment.

5. GLORY's Priorities

(1) Prohibition of discrimination

GLORY takes a zero-tolerance approach to any discrimination or acts that harm personal dignity based on one's national origin, race, ancestry, religion, beliefs, place of birth, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, disabilities, marital status, social status, etc.

(2) Prohibition of forced or child labor

GLORY takes a zero-tolerance approach to any forced or child labor, including but not limited to slavery and human trafficking.

(3) Prohibition of harassment

GLORY does not tolerate any actions that cause physical or mental distress, including harassment in all its forms.

(4) Promotion of occupational safety and health

GLORY is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment and supporting our employees’ physical and mental health.

(5) Appropriate management of work hours and payment of wages

GLORY is committed to appropriately managing work hours and providing a minimum wage, in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we operate.

(6) Respect for basic labor rights

GLORY respects basic labor rights in each country in which we operate, including the freedom of association and the right to organize and bargain collectively.

(7) Respect for privacy and protection of personal information

GLORY respects individual privacy and complies with the laws and regulations of each country in which we operate, including GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation), to manage personal information appropriately.

6. Human Rights Due Diligence

GLORY will carry out human rights due diligence on a continual basis in accordance with this Policy. We will assess the impact that our business activities have on human rights and will commit to preventing or mitigating any identified adverse impact.

7. Remediation

If GLORY identifies that it has caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts through our business activities or relationships including our supply chain, we will promptly investigate any alleged human rights violations and provide effective remediation through appropriate methods. Where GLORY has not caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, but our operations, products or services are directly linked to adverse human rights impacts through our value chain, we will use our leverage to ensure that business enterprises that have caused or contributed to such adverse impacts make efforts to remedy the situation.

8. Stakeholder Engagement

GLORY is committed to continuous improvement of our efforts and initiatives based on this Policy through consultation and communication with related stakeholders.

9. Information Disclosure

GLORY makes an effort to ensure transparency and appropriately discloses our progress on respecting human rights and achievements based on this Policy through our website and reports such as an integrated report.

10. Education

GLORY continuously provides education and training to its officers and employees as necessary to implement this Policy.

11. Governance

GLORY establishes the framework to implement this Policy and the Board of Directors of GLORY LTD. oversees and monitors compliance with this Policy and the status of its implementation.

12. Policy Review

GLORY regularly reviews and revises our policies to take actions to respect human rights more appropriately and respond to changing laws, regulations, and ethical and societal demands globally.

This Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of GLORY LTD.

(Established on April 1st, 2024)

Quality Policy

We will provide products and services in a timely manner to win the confidence and satisfaction of customers.

Three Priority Guidelines

1. By sensing advanced market needs, develop products that are attractive to customers.
2. Establish the quality of products at the earliest stage possible.
3. Place importance on the customers’ first impression of quality and on after-sales services.

To achieve the above, our company will satisfy the requirements of laws and regulations and customers’ requirements, and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

The GLORY Environmental Vision

GLORY GREEN CHALLENGE: Leading the way for a prosperous Earth with dynamics and technology through cooperative efforts.

GLORY's environmental vision is captured in the slogan we adopted in 2010. In fiscal2021, we established the "2023 Medium-Term Environmental Plan" as our three-year plan based upon our vision, and are working toward these targets.

Environmental Policy of the GLORY Group

We will act in earth-friendly ways and endeavor to provide environmentally-conscious products with services that contribute to a sustainable society.
  1. 1.Compliance with laws and regulations

    We will comply with environmental laws and regulations, as well as the demands of our stakeholders.

  2. 2.Mitigation of global warming

    We will strive to reduce our use of energy and our emissions of greenhouse gases.

  3. 3.Promotion of resource recycling

    We will strive to use resources effectively and will promote the recovery and recycling of our products.

  4. 4.Prevention of pollution by chemical substances

    We will properly manage chemical substances and will reduce hazardous substances in our products.

  5. 5.Conservation of biodiversity

    Each of us will strive to conserve ecosystems through activities that contribute to our communities.

  6. 6.Proper disclosure of environmental information

    We will proactively carry out disclosure of information and will respond to the wishes of our stakeholders.

In order to achieve this policy, we will set and work toward environmental targets and will strive to effect continuous improvements.

Purchasing Policy

We view our business partners as key partners and seek to establish a relationship of trust and mutual growth through fair and open trading as well as compliance with all laws and ordinances.

1. Strict compliance with legal and social norms

In addition to strict compliance with applicable laws, we respect the ethical norms of society and promote transparency, fairness, and equitability in our purchasing activities.

2. Environmental preservation

Based on Glory's Environmental Policy, "We will act in earth-friendly ways and endeavor to provide environmentally-conscious products with services that contribute to a sustainable society." We are committed to environmental preservation initiatives, and we have established Green Procurement Standards covering the purchasing and procurement of materials.

3. Fairness and impartiality in transactions

Glory provides opportunities on an impartial basis to all suppliers who comply with our selection guidelines, regardless of whether or not they are based in Japan and without regard to prior transaction history. We endeavor to find the best suppliers for our company by maintaining free competition and ensuring fair evaluation and selection.

4. Maintenance of quality and competitive and reasonable pricing

Our Quality Policy is "We will provide products and services in a timely manner to win the confidence and satisfaction of customers." We focus on quality, price, delivery schedules, and technology development, and we make active use of proposals from our suppliers regarding new materials and ways to lower costs.

5. Mutual advancement based on relationships of trust

Through fair transactions, we aim to establish relationships of trust with suppliers and contribute to our mutual advancement.

6. Management and protection of information

Confidential business and technical information acquired by Glory in the course of purchasing transactions is managed strictly and never divulged to outside parties without the consent of the supplier concerned.

7. Promotion of responsible procurement

We promote our responsible procurement activities with business partners throughout its supply chain.

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