
Supply Chain Management

We view our business partners as key partners and seek to establish a relationship of trust and mutual growth through fair and open trading as well as compliance with all laws and ordinances.

Purchasing Policy

The Glory Group will procure parts from suppliers in a fair and transparent manner in all aspects of our transactions while strictly observing related laws and regulations and establishing relationships built on mutual trust. As we proceed with our procurement activities, we will consider both our CSR and environmental conservation toward developing a sustainable society.

1. Strict compliance with legal and social norms

In addition to strict compliance with applicable laws, we respect the ethical norms of society and promote transparency, fairness, and equitability in our purchasing activities.

2. Environmental preservation

Based on Glory's Environmental Policy, "We will act in earth-friendly ways and supply environment-friendly products and services and contribute to realize sustainable society." We are committed to environmental preservation initiatives, and we have established Green Procurement Standards covering the purchasing and procurement of materials.

3. Fairness and impartiality in transactions

Glory provides opportunities on an impartial basis to all suppliers who comply with our selection guidelines, regardless of whether or not they are based in Japan and without regard to prior transaction history. We endeavor to find the best suppliers for our company by maintaining free competition and ensuring fair evaluation and selection.

4. Maintenance of quality and competitive and reasonable pricing

Our Quality Policy is "We will provide products and services in a timely manner to win the confidence and satisfaction of customers." We focus on quality, price, delivery schedules, and technology development, and we make active use of proposals from our suppliers regarding new materials and ways to lower costs.

5. Mutual advancement based on relationships of trust

Through fair transactions, we aim to establish relationships of trust with suppliers and contribute to our mutual advancement.

6. Management and protection of information

Confidential business and technical information acquired by Glory in the course of purchasing transactions is managed strictly and never divulged to outside parties without the consent of the supplier concerned.

7. Promotion of responsible procurement

We promote responsible corporate behavior in the supply chain with our business partners.


Strengthening Partnerships with Suppliers

Supplier Conference in Japan (2022)

Supplier Conference in Japan (2022)

Our suppliers are important partners that enable Glory to manufacture high-quality products consistently, and the cooperative system we have in place is vital.

We host annual supplier conferences in Japan, where we explain our procurement policy based on our business situations, future strategies, and initiatives to strengthen partnerships with our suppliers. The conference in January 2023 was attended by representatives of 111 companies. As in the past, the Group will continue to strive to build relationships of trust with business partners and contribute to achieving a sustainable society together.

We also regularly hold our Quality Conferences, to share information on quality and manufacturing processes and examine related issues, and Quality Improvement Activity Workshops or Substrate Quality Policy Briefings, during which suppliers present their quality improvement initiatives. These provide opportunities for suppliers to share best practices as well. In fiscal 2022, the event was held in an online format to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Our parts acceptance unit also conducts periodic inspection visits to our suppliers for onsite reviews of manufacturing processes and to offer advice for improvements.

Developing Procurement Staff

The Glory Group focusses on employee education to promote sustainability initiatives across its supply chain and ensure fair and open trading. We train domestic and overseas procurement staff through an e-learning program, available in three languages. This consists of curriculum modules such as the Japanese Subcontract Act and responsible procurement, helping staff to improve their skills and acquire the knowledge they need.

In fiscal 2022, we provided e-learning on the Subcontract Act and responsible procurement to approximately 130 employees in Japan and overseas.


Promotion of Sustainable Procurement

Glory issued the Glory Responsible Procurement Guidebook for suppliers in Japan and Glory Supplier Code of Conduct for overseas suppliers to further promote responsible procurement in March 2014 (Updated in April 2022). The guidebook stipulates the Group’s basic stance on sustainability as well as Glory’s requests to business partners such as respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, and anti-corruption as well as environmental protection. Glory uses the guidebook to encourage cooperation with business partners in promoting sustainability initiatives throughout its supply chain.

In particular, the revised guidebook includes items related to respect for human rights, such as prohibition of child labor and forced labor, appropriate payment of wages, and management of working hours, and we are working with our business partners to ensure compliance.

In addition, in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act, which came into effect in the UK in 2015, Glory Global Solutions (International) Ltd., together with its business partners, has published a statement on activities to prevent forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking, which was approved by the Board of Directors. In fiscal 2021, there were no cases of child labor or forced labor.

The Glory Group is taking steps to comply with the code of conduct established by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA, formerly EICC), a CSR promotion organization for supply chains mainly in the electronic device industry, and the conflict mineral survey.

Requests to Our Suppliers

Efforts to Promote Sustainable Procurement

Glory periodically monitors the sustainability efforts of business partners through a survey that includes its self-inspection checklist to determine their progress in sustainability efforts. The status of the inspection for fiscal 2022 is as follows, and feedback was provided to all suppliers who responded.

Corporate Name Number of Suppliers Response Rate (%)
GLORY LTD. 386 100
GLORY Products Ltd. 52 100
GLORY IPO Asia Ltd. 43 100
Glory Global Solutions (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 16 100
GLORY Denshi Kogyo (Suzhou) Ltd. 31 100

For our first transaction with a business partner, we ensure that they understand the legal compliance, environmental protection, and sustainable procurement requirements of our purchasing policy and ask them to comply with the Glory Responsible Procurement Guidebook and Green Procurement Standard. In addition, we execute a memorandum of understanding on responsible procurement with business partners, including a request for cooperation on the self-inspection checklist to promote sustainable procurement together.

For suppliers of Glory Ltd. and Glory IPO Asia Ltd.

For suppliers of Glory Global Solutions Ltd.

Promoting Green Procurement

Glory established the Green Procurement Standard to put into action its basic policy of promoting environmentally sound purchasing. We will remain committed to the purchasing of materials and parts that have minimal environmental impact with the cooperation of our suppliers.

Green Procurement Standard, 22nd edition

Specified Chemical Substances, 32nd edition

Request for environmental information regarding delivered products

We are conducting a survey of chemical substances contained in products delivered by our business partners.

The survey will be conducted at "chemSHERPA" provided by the "Article Management Promotion Council (JAMP)".

"Data creation support tool", "operation manual", etc. are posted on the following website, so please refer to the link.


Supplier Compliance Hotline

The Glory Group operates the Supplier Compliance Hotline as a point of contact to raise concerns about Group compliance violations in order to further encourage transparent and fair purchasing trading with them. These whistleblowing reports are filed by the relevant department of GLORY LTD., which is independent of Glory’s subject procurement department, where they are properly handled through an investigation of the facts and circumstances.

No compliance violations were reported by suppliers in fiscal 2022.

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