
Medium-Term Environmental Plan

We established our 2026 Medium-Term Environmental Plan and are working to reach these targets.

2026 Medium-Term Environmental Plan

Based on our Environmental Vision, the Glory Group formulates a three-year environmental plan in our efforts to resolve environmental issues.

In April 2024, we formulated 2026 Medium-Term Environmental Plan, which promotes initiatives around the three pillars of products, business, and environmental awareness.

2026 Medium-Term Environmental Policy Activity Fields Priority Themes 2026 Medium-Term Environmental Targets Annual Targets
Policy 1
Contribute to carbon neutrality
Business Reduce CO2 emissions in business activities
related SDGs issue
Scope1 and 2
21.2% reduction
(vs. FY2022)
Product Promote reduction of environmental impact in value chain
related SDGs issue
Scope 3 Category 1:
Agree with Tier1 suppliers to set CO2 targets
Target setting rate: 80%
Scope 3 Category 11:
12.4% reduction (vs. FY2022)
Policy 2
Contribute to recycle-oriented society
Business Promote 3Rs throughout product life cycle
related SDGs issue
Recycling rate in production:
Maintain 99.3% (FY2023 rate) or improve
Product Recycling rate of used products collected:
Maintain 90% (FY2023 rate) or improve
Business Contribute to water resources conservation
related SDGs issue
Emissions per unit in production:
Improvement rate: 10% (vs. FY2018)
Policy 3
Prevent pollution and reduce impact on ecosystems
Business Prevent leakage of PRTR-regulated chemical substances

Maintain/Improve low emissions and improve its level
related SDGs issue
Emissions per unit in production:
15% improvement (vs. FY2018)
Product Control and manage use and storage of chemical substances
related SDGs issue
Zero violations of environmental laws for chemical substances contained in products

100% RoHS compliance for all products
0 violations

100% compliance
Awareness Contribute to biodiversity conservation

Promote social contribution activities
related SDGs issue
Project implementation rate: 100%
(collaboration with community, education, and public relations)
Policy 4
Improve environmental communication
Awareness Enhance communication through websites
related SDGs issue
Improve reliability and comprehensiveness of environmental data

Maintain or improve rating by third party
Maintain or Improve

2023 Medium-Term Environmental Plan

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