
Environmental Management

To create a sustainable society, the entire Glory Group works to protect the environment under the Glory Environmental Vision.

Environmental Management Framework

The Glory Group considers environmental conservation to be a key management concern, and we have therefore implemented an ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system to reduce the environmental impact in every aspect of our business. The system covers a broad range of our activities, from energy conservation, resource conservation, waste reduction, and appropriate chemical substance management to environmentally friendly product development.

In March 2002, the head office was the first in the Group to acquire ISO 14001, and certification has currently spread to Glory’s main business sites, regional offices, and Group manufacturing companies. We are also working toward acquiring ISO certification and for comprehensive environmental impact reduction efforts to promote environmental conservation at overseas Group companies as well.

Our environmental management framework consists of sites for reducing environmental impacts from business operations and business units for reducing the environmental impact of products. We develop an annual environmental management action policy in conjunction with the basic management and environmental policies, ensuring reliability and continuous improvement of the management framework and system to be effective in all business operations related to products and services.

Also, we strive to expand the action policy into respective sites and business units and confirm implementation status. At the same time, we share and horizontally address issues and counter measures by the Environmental Management Committee and conduct management reviews whereby we utilize PDCA cycles to integrate business activities Group-wide. Moreover, the environmental management department conducts a continuous improvement of the system for the entire Group.

ISO 14001 Certification Status (As of April 1, 2024)

GLORY LTD. 12 sites Head Office/Factory, Tokyo Office, Shinagawa Business Place, Saitama Factory, Himeji Distribution Center, Tohoku Regional Office, , Higashi-Nippon Regional Office, Tokyo Regional Office, Tokai Regional Office, Kinki Regional Office, Chu-Shikoku Regional Office, Kyushu Regional Office
Domestic Group companies 4 companies, 13 sites
  • GLORY Products Ltd.: Head Office/Fukusaki Factory, Kasai Factory, Sayo Factory, Ichikawa Factory, Kochi Factory
  • GLORY Technical Solutions Ltd.: Himeji Head Office, SC Business Division Tokyo Office,AZ Business Division Nishinomiya Office, AZ Business Division Tokyo Office, MT Business Division Himeji Office
  • GLORY Engineering Ltd.: Head Office, Himeji Office
  • GLORY Friendly Co., Ltd.
Overseas Group companies 5 companies, 5 sites
  • GLORY Denshi Kogyo (Suzhou) Ltd.
  • Glory Global Solutions Inc.
  • Glory Global Solutions (France) S.A.S.
  • Glory Global Solutions (Germany) GmbH

Environmental Management Framework

The Environmental Management Committee addresses environmental issues concerning the Glory Group. As appointed by the Board of Directors, the committee is chaired by the executive officer responsible for EMS management, and is composed of management members responsible for environmental issues. The committee meets twice a year to formulate basic policies, promote initiatives and implement measures on environmental preservation, and manage progress to achieve set targets.

In January 2024, the Environmental Management Committee formulated the 2026 Medium-Term Environmental Policy with supporting initiatives and targets, and exchanged opinions on global trend on environmental regulations and requirements and how they should be addressed by the Group.

Environmental Management Framework

*The chief officer in charge of the Environmental Management System, appointed by the Board of Directors.

Environmental Audit

We strive for total optimization of our products and services by inclusively reviewing quality and environmental issues under the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, respectfully, in a supportive manner. So that this approach remains effective in our management system, we conduct integrated internal and external audits and apply PDCA cycles for continuous improvement.

The environmental audits and examinations in fiscal 2023 examined the conformity and validity of the implementation status of the standards, and no incidents of nonconformity were identified. The results were laterally reviewed across the Glory Group and shared with all employees through a bottom-up approach across our activities.

Environmental Risk Management

We conduct environmental impact assessments annually to reduce environmental risk and stipulate response procedures for specific risks. Furthermore, we ensure that internal systems are in place and conduct thorough employee education, particularly by emphasizing proper industrial waste processing and hazardous materials management.

Waste management systems are in place at each site for proper industrial waste processing, and in addition to the thorough training of managers and other responsible employees in charge of waste management, we apply strict standards in selecting waste processing contractors and conduct on-site inspections.

For hazardous materials management, we stipulate the response procedures in the event of an emergency involving an oil spill and regularly hold simulation drills while also preventing the leakage and outflow of poisonous and deleterious substances as well as accidents and losses.

Compliance with Environmental Laws

Recognizing legal compliance as a key aspect of environmental conservation, Glory is committed to thorough operational management. We closely monitor changes to laws and regulations and confirm our own compliance status twice a year. On-site inspections are based on a dedicated checklist at each site during internal environmental audits. Moreover, CMS (chemical substances management system) audits are periodically conducted at the sites of business partners and overseas subsidiaries.

As a result of verifying legal compliance in fiscal 2023, we confirmed that no serious non-compliance problems or accidents have impacted the environment.

Environmental Education

We focus on environmental education as we believe that correctly understanding the impact of our business activities on the environment is a key to ongoing efforts to reduce such impact.

In addition to including environmental management system requirements in new employee training, we conduct tailored educational programs based on professional positions such as management training for newly appointed managers and training on environmentally friendly design for product designers. Moreover, we seek to build on the expertise of employees by executing training in areas such as internal environmental auditing and waste management.

In fiscal 2023, all planned training was conducted (100% attendance).

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