The Long-Term Vision 2028 spells out the Glory group's aims for its corporate culture, organization, and human resources under the concepts of "Open-minded," "Speed beyond expectation," "Global company," and "Challenging spirit." To achieve this Vision, we strive to create a welcoming and motivating workplace environment that respects employees' diversity, as well as their personalities and individualities. We are cultivating a corporate culture in which all employees can maximize their potential, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or work experience.
Glory recruits and fosters talents regardless of gender and strives to create an environment where employees can fully leverage their abilities. To support women's empowerment, we have formulated a plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, in accordance with which we promote initiatives including work-style reforms and employees' work-life balance support.
The percentage of females in new graduate positions was 19.0% in fiscal 2023, and women in management positions was 2.96% (31 persons), as of March 2024. Going forward, we will continue our efforts to achieve the targets set in the 2026 Medium-Term Plan (25+% female new graduates and 5% females in managerial positions).
We also promote paternity leave uptake by male employees and the uptake rate was 55% in fiscal 2023. We will continue our initiatives to raise awareness in the workplace and encourage male employees to increase the number of days of paternity leave.
The action plans currently being implemented are as follows.
1. Period
From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026 (Five years)
2. Our challenges
a) Low ratio of women to men hired in new graduate positions
b) Limited number of departments where women are assigned
c) Imbalance of females to males employed in management positions despite no significant difference in length of service
3. Target
a) A minimum of 25% of new graduates are to be filled by females by 2025
- Assess the potential and abilities of all employees regardless of gender using fair standards
- Promote the recruitment of women by featuring female employees in external PR media
- Working with the departments, explore and extend the range of positions available to women, then address situations where gender imbalances exist, by assigning females when hiring new graduates and reassigning female employees through internal job-posting system* (more details)
- Formulate and implement measures to retain young employees regardless of gender
b) Double the number of female employees in management positions in the next five years
- Encourage and support female employees to take the leadership roles in non-management positions
- Promote behavioral changes amongst female employees in such positions to identify those who are willing to develop skills in other members of the team
- Develop female role models for the management positions
- Promote awareness and behavioral changes to increase the number of females in management positions who are willing to develop skills of team/group members
- Establish the ‘GLORY Workstyle’ and reduce overtime work
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2025 (Target) |
17 | 22 | 28 | 29 | 31 | 44 |
As our business grows globally, we promote the recruitment of global talents including foreign nationals in Japan, as well as their promotion to management positions, under the policy to encourage the recruitment of talented personnel regardless of nationality.
In the corporate and the overseas business divisions, foreign nationals with diverse cultural backgrounds play active roles. As of March 2024, 18 foreign nationals including China and Australia, are working in the headquarters in Japan. We will continue to actively recruit foreign employees and promote them to managerial positions.
The Glory Group has more than 6,000 non-Japanese employees (approximately 53%) and our subsidiaries are managed mainly by locals in general or senior management positions.
EMEA: Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East
USA: North America, Central America, South America
South-East Asia and others : South-East Asia, India, Australia, New Zealand
We actively recruit personnel with a wide range of knowledge, skills, backgrounds, and careers, who can become immediate forces within the Company. In line with our management policy, we are currently promoting the recruitment of core personnel with high management skills, as well as personnel who can contribute to our new business fields with their specialized IT and DX skills. We also promote the assignment of such personnel to management or specialist positions respectively.
As of March 2024, the percentage of mid-career hires in management positions is 25.4%.
Cleaning public areas at the headquarters
To promote the independence of the persons with disabilities, Glory Group offers employment opportunities through GLORY Friendly Co., Ltd. established in 1999 as special-purpose subsidiary. Under the slogan of "Foster a creative workplace where communication is valued and one can fully demonstrating their skills and abilities”, the employees are currently engaged in tasks such as cleaning, greening, in-house mail delivery, and waste disposals. We are working to extend a range positions to best suit the individuality and capabilities of each employee.
*Includes data of GLORY Products Ltd., GLORY Friendly Co., Ltd., GLORY System Create Ltd., and GLORY Mechatronics Ltd.
In accordance with the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, Glory offers re-employment opportunities for employees over sixty, and those who wish to continue to work can do so until the age of sixty-five. This secures job opportunities for the retired and allows an effective use of their knowledge and experience.
In fiscal 2022, 84 out of 91 employees used this provision.
With the belief that Glory’s growth is integrally connected with the growth of each employee, we conduct programs to develop their capabilities and foster diversity.
As our business grows globally, overseas sales now account for over half of the Glory Group’s net sales, and the percentage of foreign nationals are approximately 53% as of March 2024. Given the situation, we implement the following initiatives to foster human resources that support the growth of our global business.
Attending language lessons (U.K.)
Glory offers an overseas short-term study program to develop human resources with a global perspective. Participants attend local language schools to acquire the language and gain skills and experience that would be beneficial for global business.
From fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2019, a total of 23 employees had taken part in this program.
Trainee at a Group company (France)
The one-year program allows Japanese employees to take part in on-the-job training in an overseas group company. It provides them with opportunities to gain the required experience and skills to represent Glory on a global stage.
Since the start, total of 26 employees from Development, Sales, and other divisions have participated in the program.
Training session for the managers of overseas production subsidiaries
Since 2016, Glory has facilitated a training program in Japan for the managers of our production subsidiaries: GLORY Denshi Kogyo (Suzhou) Ltd. (China) and GLORY (PHILIPPINES), INC.
The training program is intended to enhance the self-sustaining capabilities of the said subsidiaries, and a total of seven managers have taken part to date. The program includes management training and the sessions where the participants learn the required knowledge and technologies and enhance their risk management capabilities relevant to production sites. With a better understanding of the Japanese production system, the managers return to their respective countries to apply their newly gained knowledge and experience.
Glory Business College
Glory offers a training program named ‘Glory Business College’, targeting management-level employees to prepare them to become next generation of executives.
The seven-month program includes training sessions and external seminars where participants can acquire the required skills and knowledge to become executives. The program also gives participants opportunities to extend their network through interaction with other participants from various divisions and other industries.
We also offers various programs, such as the Business Leader Training Program and the Next-Generation Branch Manager Candidate Training Program.
We assist employees with their career plans through the systems and initiatives to help enhance their skills and career development.
In fiscal 2024, Glory launched a personal development program called “Mana VIVA” through which employees can choose their preferred programs to acquire the skills necessary for their self-actualization through their careers and increase their own value in the workplace.
The program provides various learning opportunities/methods, including e-learning platforms for business/specialist/IT skills, language learning tools etc. It also facilitates interaction with the employees of other companies, as well as cross-boundary learning opportunities for our employees, to help broaden their perspectives on career development and planning.
Glory provides various career training opportunities to develop personnel who can be self-disciplined and take charge of self-actualization through their careers.
Once a year, employees consult their supervisors on their career development/planning. In addition, employees have opportunities to review/re-design their career paths during training sessions held periodically during their careers at Glory.
We also offer career-planning sessions for employees over the age of 50 to re-design their career paths based on their experiences, skills and personal strengths.
Glory has introduced a HR database system to specify employees’ knowledge, skills, experience as well as their vision on career path, all of which we consider important management resource. Based on such data, supervisors arrange regular interviews with each of their respective employees to help them envision their own career paths. This helps the employees to be self-directed towards set goals and increase their job satisfaction. This also helps us foster an environment where employees can make the best use of their abilities.
Glory has in place an internal job posting system that encourage employees to initiate their own career development. The system allows divisions seeking new talent to post positions available, to which employees are free to apply. It is intended to motivate our employees and in turn help invigorate our corporate culture.
In a competitive society where the evolution of new digital technologies is rapidly advancing, promoting DX (Digital Transformation) is essential to maintain companies' competitiveness. In this sense, it is necessary for Glory to keep eyes onto new digital technologies and to incorporate them while we can secure a competitive advantage. As a means to form such a corporate stance, Glory has established a ‘DX Promotion’ strategy.
Accelerating DX strategies is one of our top management priorities, and we plan to conduct training for employees as per the four categories as below.