
Social Initiatives

Glory harmonizes and advances the interests of the company and society by actively conducting social action programs as a good corporate citizen.

Fostering the Next Generation

GLORY Foundation for Elementary School Students

In March 1995, Glory established the GLORY Foundation for Elementary School Students to support the sound development of young people. Through the foundation, the company conducts sports, arts, and cultural activities that include hands-on science classes, experience-based classes for parents and children, and a children’s theater. A cumulative total of 106,000 people have taken part in these activities since the foundation was launched.

The foundation also assists organizations that work toward the sound development of elementary school students through activities in sports, science, and culture.

Hands-on Science Workshops

Programming Robot Race

Programming Robot Race

Glory organizes hands-on science workshops for elementary school children every summer. In the workshop, children work on their own projects to experience the wonders of science and cultivate their creativity and unique ideas, assisted by our employees who participate as volunteers.

In fiscal 2023, 150 children (Grade 4-6) enjoyed the workshop “Let's make a programing robot that works without a computer!”

Children’s Theater

Siki Theatre Company

A scene from “The Dream of John Mung“

The Children’s Theater project is held with the goal of enriching the aesthetic sensibilities of young people and planting in them the seeds of creativity.

In fiscal 2023, a total of 3,400 elementary school students and their parents were invited to performances of the musical “The Dream of John Mung“ by the Shiki Theatre Company.

Hands-on Classes for Parents and Children

Enjoying the hot air balloon experience

Enjoying the hot air balloon experience

This program is held every spring and autumn with the goal of strengthening the bonds between parents and children through a range of fun and exciting experiences.

In fiscal 2023, 220 students and their parents were invited to view a hot air balloon at a local elementary school. Participants learned how hot air balloons work and took turns boarding one anchored at the school.


Supporting the Promotion of Sports

Glory Sponsors the Victorina Himeji Volleyball Team

Himeji Elementary School volleyball class

Himeji Elementary School volleyball class

Glory has signed a sponsorship agreement with Himeji Victorina Co., Ltd., which manages the Victorina Himeji women’s volleyball team (director and owner Masayoshi Manabe and director and vice-president Yoshie Takeshita). Based in Himeji, Hyogo, Victorina Himeji is Japan’s first professional women’s volleyball team.

Besides playing in a V1 league, the team promotes the sport in the community through activities that include appearances on talk shows and volleyball clinics for elementary and junior high school students. Glory strives to use sponsorship as a way to stimulate communitylevel sports and support the development of the next generation.

We expect the team to make another great leap forward in the V1 League and will continue to support them in their endeavors.

Other Contributions to Society

Watertown High School Career Fair (US)

Glory staffs at the fair

Glory staffs at the fair

In March 2022, Glory exhibited at the local Watertown High School career fair this year. Students from Freshman to Senior years visited the school’s gymnasium to meet with local businesses and colleges. For Glory, this was an opportunity to showcase what Glory does, build awareness within the community and encourage local youth to consider the company for work placements or a longer-term career. Some Glory CI and Acrelec Kiosk products were on display to demonstrate what we build and students also had a chance to use their assembly, instruction following, critical thinking and troubleshooting skills to compete against each other in a Lego build competition. Many in attendance said that Glory’s booth was "the fun booth" with the amount of interaction that the Glory team encouraged from participants. Nearly 60 students expressed interest in working at Glory over the summer.

Block build competition

Block build competition

Local Community and Watertown SkillsUSA Chapter Food Drive (US)

Staffs and donated food

Staffs and donated food

In April 2022, Glory participated with other local businesses in the Watertown area to collect non-perishable food items to support a drive for the local community’s Food Pantry food bank organized by the local chapter of SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. It helps students excel by providing educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education in the nation’s classrooms. The food drive was an example where local business were encouraged to get involved by the chapter and where Glory staff were only too happy to contribute. An element of competition was added as local businesses competed to provide the largest number of items. Glory tied for 3rd place in largest donations against dozens of other Watertown businesses that participated.

Knutsford office raise funds for Kidney Reserch UK

Employees at the charity cafe

Employees at the charity cafe

The Glory UK Knutsford office is raising funds for Kidney Research UK this year. As well as fundraising, employees are encouraged to engage with each other in their efforts to make fundraising fun. In addition to a Just Giving page where colleagues can donate online, the office also banks cash donations. In July, a cake & coffee morning was held in the on-site Customer Briefing Centre providing an opportunity for colleagues to purchasing their cake and coffee as well as spend a moment socialising.

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