
Key Sustainability Issues

Sustainability Material Issues and SDGs

To earn the trust of our stakeholders and continue our efforts towards a sustainable society, we have identified our material sustainability issues, considering the impact on the Glory Group and importance to our stakeholders.

We have also categorized our material issues by linking them to the SDGs. We will contribute to achieving a sustainable society by sincerely addressing various issues facing the world and promoting materiality initiatives.

Process for Identifying Material Issues

We identified material issues based on the following process and set KPIs and have promoted related initiatives. We also linked the identified material issues to the SDGs to which they contribute.

Process for Identifying Material Issues

Material Issues and KPIs

In line with the 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan (April 2024 – March 2027), we have re-identified 13 material issues, for which we have set KPIs and initiatives to achieve fiscal 2026 targets.

Material Issues Map

Material Issues Map

2026 Medium-Term Management Plan Sustainability Targets

  Material Sustainability Issues Priority Themes KPIs FY2024
Environment Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Reduce CO2 emissions in business activities Scope 1 and 2
Reduce 21.2% (vs. FY2022)
(FY2030 Targets: 42.4% vs. FY2022)
Reduce environmental impact in value chain Scope 3 Category 1
Agree with Tier1 suppliers to set CO2 targets
Target setting rate: 80%
Scope 3 Category 11
Reduce 12.4% (vs. FY2022)
(FY2030 Target: 24.8% vs. FY2022)
Ensure appropriate information disclosure for climate change Enhance the content of disclosure in accordance with the TCFD framework (To be diclosed every June) Improve contents of Securities Report
(To be dislosed in June 2024)
Social Recruit or/and develop human resources that contribute to business strategies Promote DE&I Rate of females in Management Positions: 5.0% 3.0%
Rate of female new graduates: 25% or more 23%
Rate of paternity leaves taken: 90% 70%
Increase the employment rate of people with disabilities Increase the employment rate stipulated in regulations 2.5%
Develop DX specialists (1) Offensive DX' leaders*1 (130 persons)
(2) Potential 'Offensive DX' leaders (300 persons)
(3) 'Defensive DX' leaders*2 (100 persons)
(4) Basic DX/IT knowledge & skills to use digital tools (3,500 persons)

*1 Offensive DX leaders: Talent who can create external DX solutions
*2 Defensive DX leaders: Talent who can initiate and lead internal DX

(1) 20 persons
(2) 100 persons
(3) 20 persons
(4) 1,000 persons
Promote a pleasant work environment Improve employee engagement Rate of positive response for Employee Engagement Survery: 55% Check the rate through simple surveys
Promote Health and Productivity Management (1) Total annual working hours per employee: Below previous year
(2) Rate of annual paid leaves used per employee: 70% or more
(1) Below previous year
(2) 70% or more
Reduce lost time injury frequency rate and severity rate Below past five-year industrial* average

*Electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing

Below average
Respect human rights Enhance initiatives for human rights (1) Formulate and promote human rights policy
(2) Conduct Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD)
(1) Formulate the Group's Human Rights Policy
(2) Discuss the Group's HRDD process
Conduct training on human rights (incl. harassment) Participation rate: 100% 100%
Select sustainable suppliers and promote sustainable procurement Develop management process to strengthen supply chain management Implement self-inspection checklist with new/primary business partners
Response rate: 100%
Improve customer satisfaction with quality solutions & services Improve customer satisfaction Maintain/Improve product market share Disclose results
Ensure product safety and quality (1) Number of PL-related accidents: 0 0 cases
(2) Number of serious violations of laws or regulations related product safety: 0 0 cases
(3) Number of PL lawsuits related to product quality: 0 0 cases
(4) Rate of product safety assessment conducted for newly developed products: 100% 100%
Improve dialogue with Stakeholders Maintain/Increase opportunities for dialogue with stakeholders Institutional investors and analysts
Implement engagement satisfaction survey and disclose results
Local communities
Disclose CSR activitivity reports
Business partners
Disclose report on initiatives to strengthen trust with business partners
Rate of execution of planned measures: 100%
Governance Protect customer privacy and tighten information security Detect unauthorized accesses immediately to minimize damages to the Group Improve information security level and promote the Group's security policy Disclose results
Provide security training for all employees Participation rate: 100% 100%
Promote compliance management Eliminate serious compliance incidents 0 cases 0 cases
Reinforce risk management and BCP Review risk management system Disclose results Disclose results
Review Group-wide risk assessment methods Disclose results Disclose results
Review BCP system Disclose results Disclose results
Strengthen the Group governance Establish systems to ensure effectiveness of internal control system Disclose results Disclose results
Improve effectiveness of the board of directors Disclose results Disclose results
Creation of new value Promote R&D and innovation Increase the number of patent filed and registered in Japan

Increase the number of patent filed and registered globally
Disclose results Disclose results
Develop products and solutions that meet society's needs Inrease New Business Domain sales & disclose representative examples New Business Domain Sales: 60 billion yen 40 billion yen

2023 Medium-Term Management Plan Sustainability Targets

  Material Issues FY2023 KPIs FY2022 KPIs FY2021 results FY2022 results
Environment Promote businesses contributing to a carbon-free society CO2 emissions from business activities
related SDGs issue
15% reduction
(compared to FY2013)
25.9% reduction 32.7% reduction
Development and spread environmentally friendly products contributing to a carbon-free society Reduce CO2 emissions in product usage
related SDGs issue
20,000 tons
(compared to FY2013)
8,499tons 8,972tons
Enhance the contribution to biodiversity preservation Biological and botanical survey
Forest conservation activity (plant and thin out trees)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results
100% as planned
・Implementation of vegetation surveys, and 18%/
10-year improvement in carbon fixation amounts
・Plan achievement rate : 100%
Thinning : 0.94 ha; planting (trees): 13 trees
・Plan achievement rate : 100%
Cultivating trees
Arakawa-Riverbank Cleanup Activities
Social Respect for human rights and diversity Ensure the diversity of directors Disclose results One female board member One female board member
Ratio of female employees at time of hire
related SDGs issue
25% or more
(FY2025 Target)
15.6% 17.4%
Number of female managers
related SDGs issue
(FY2025 Target)
28 29
Number of foreign employees (including number of managers) Disclose results 13 15
Ratio of mid-career hires in management positions Disclose results 23.1% 22.1%
Ratio of Employees with Disabilities
related SDGs issue
Above 2.3% 2.46% 2.46%
Training on human rights
related SDGs issue
Attendance rate 100% e-learning participation rate of 99.8% ・e-learning for Ethics Month (November):99.5% participation rate
・Compliance training at Production Headquarters (held 3 times online)
Number of consultations on human rights
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 13 cases 8 cases
Training costs per employee (education investment)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 48,203yen 21,154yen
Number of whistleblowing cases
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 28 cases 13 cases (including 8 consultations on harassment)
Maintain a healthy and safe workplace Annual actual working hours per employee
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 2,025 hours 2,013 hours
Promote health management
related SDGs issue
Implementation of health management initiatives Initiatives such as prevention of and response to
COVID-19 and promotion of vaccinations
Initiatives such as prevention of and response to
COVID-19 and promotion of vaccination
Number of days taken paid leave per employee
related SDGs issue
More than the previous year 14 days 14.9 days
Lost-time injury frequency rate
related SDGs issue
Less than the previous year 0.52 0.53
Lost-time injury severity rate
related SDGs issue
Less than the previous year 0.005 0.020
Further promotion of global sustainable procurement Implement the self-checklist (new business partners and primary business partners)
related SDGs issue
Response rate of 100% Response rate of 100% Response rate of 100%
Ensure product safety and quality Number of occurrences of serious product accidents (PL)
related SDGs issue
0 cases 0 cases 0 cases
Number of severe incidents of non-compliance with laws and regulations (product safety)
related SDGs issue
0 cases 0 cases 0 cases
Number of PL litigations about quality
related SDGs issue
0 cases 0 cases 0 cases
Implementation rate of product safety assessment of newly developed products
related SDGs issue
100% 100% 100%
Dialogue with Stakeholders Number of call center tours (customers)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 19 cases 36 cases
Number of monitoring center visits (customers)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results 55 cases 70 cases
Number of showroom visits (Head Office, Tokyo Office)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results Head Office : 19 cases
Tokyo Office : 256 cases
Head Office : 91 cases
Tokyo Office : 336 cases
Number of factory tours (Head Office and Saitama Factory)
related SDGs issue
Disclose results Head Office : 11 cases
Saitama Factory : 18 cases
Head Office : 34 cases
Saitama Factory : 43 cases
Number of meetings with investors Disclose results 216 cases 263 cases
Governance Strengthen corporate governance Analysis and evaluation relating to effectiveness of Board of Directors Disclose results Implemented third-party evaluations Implemented third-party evaluations
Number of meetings of Board of Directors Disclose results 17 times (including temporary board of directors) 16 times
Risk identification and management from a global perspective Number of serious information security accidents
related SDGs issue
0 cases 0 cases 0 cases
Information security education
related SDGs issue
100% General training participation rate of 99.8%, etc. General training participation rate of 99.8%, etc.
Corporate ethics, legal compliance, and anti-corruption initiatives Number of serious compliance violations
related SDGs issue
0 cases 1 case 0 cases
Creating new value Promote extension from core business domain Provide retail solutions that meet contactless and self-service needs
related SDGs issue
Disclose case studies Supported retailers' promotion of self-checkout Aggressive expansion of self-service kiosks into global F&B
Build and expand new business models Support the promotion of DX in restaurants and retail outlets
related SDGs issue
Disclose case studies Active development of the DMP business
and the kiosk business
Active development of the DMP business
and the kiosk business
Promote IP (Intellectual Property) strategies Number of domestic patent filed / registered Disclose results Number acquired in Japan: 171 cases
Number of applications in Japan: 1,085 cases
Number acquired in Japan: 125 cases
Number of applications in Japan: 1,176 cases
Number of overseas patent filed / registered Disclose results Number acquired overseas: 75 cases
Number of applications overseas: 1,057 cases
Number acquired overseas: 54 cases
Number of applications overseas: 1,136 cases
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