Investor Relations

Stock Information

Stock Information (as of March 31, 2024)

Number of shares authorized 150,000,000
Number of shares issued 58,938,210 (Including 2,873,306 shares of treasury stock)
Number of shareholders 16,293
Fiscal year End March 31
Date of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Late June
Record Dates Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: March 31
Year-end dividend: March 31
Interim dividend: September 30
Other such events are conducted from time to time upon sufficient notice to shareholders.
Trading unit 100 shares
Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Securities Code 6457
Method of Public Notices The Company's method of giving public notice is by electronic notice. However, if the Company is unable to give public notice by electronic means due to an accident or other unavoidable circumstances, the same will be made by publishing in the Nikkei.
Administrator of Shareholder Registry Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

Major Shareholders

as of March 31, 2024
Shareholder Number of shares held
(Thousands of shares)
Holding ratio(%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 7,558 13.5
Nippon Life Insurance Company 3,427 6.1
Glory Group Employees' Stock Ownership Association 2,602 4.6
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 2,156 3.8
Tatsubo Fashion Co. Ltd. 1,500 2.7
Glory Business Partners' Stock Ownership Association 1,113 2.0
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 1,100 2.0
MUFG Bank, Ltd. 879 1.6

* The Company holds 2,873,306 treasury shares, however, they are not included in the above list.

* Percentage of total issued shares is calculated by excluding the Company's treasury shares.

Shareholder Distribution

as of March 31, 2024
Distribution by ownership of shares

The Articles of Incorporation

Dividend Information

Basic policy on profit distribution and dividends

GLORY LTD. (the "Company") considers the return of profits to shareholders to be an important management task and retain a policy to continue stable dividends while striving to maintain and enhance a sound financial position in preparation for future business growth. In the three fiscal years of the 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan (from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027), which began in April 2024, in addition to following the Company's basic policy of “continuing stable dividends while investing in future business growth and maintaining financial strength,” we have set a target of “progressive dividends, based on the annual dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (annual dividend of ¥106 per share), and dividends on shareholders' equity (DOE) of 3% or more” and aim to increase dividends in a stable and continuous manner.

With regard to the future purchase of treasury shares, the Company will take the best approach, considering future business development, investment plans, the internal reserves, and performance trends. The Company’s policy is to keep treasury shares within approximately 5% of total shares issued by retiring any treasury shares in excess of that amount.

Dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024
Dividends Per Share (Yen) Time of Payment
Interim Year-End
54 54 108 December 2024 June 2025
Dividend for the last 5 years
* Years ended March 31
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Net income attributable to owners of parent
(Millions of Yen)
8,486 5,705 6,410 -9,538 29,674
Dividends Per Share (Yen) Interim 32 30 34 34 40
Year-End 34 36 34 34 66
Annual 66 66 68 68 106
Total Annual Dividend (Millions of Yen) 4,010 4,010 4,132 3,855 5,942
Consolidated Payout Ratio (%) 47.0 69.9 63.2 - 19.9
Annual Dividend

The consolidated payout ratio for FY2022 is not stated as it is a net loss.

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