In the years around 1949, the legal tender mostly circulating in the market were banknotes. Coins in small value, however, were gradually circulating in the market to replace banknotes of small value, and the Japan Mint began using the coin counter imported from overseas to count such coins. Since the imported coin counter was large in size and expensive, the Mint considered using the machine manufactured in Japan and asked Kokuei Machinery Manufacturing (now GLORY LTD.) to develop a low cost but high-quality machine. Eventually, Japan's first coin counter was released and installed in the Japan Mint in February 1950. The development of this machine triggered GLORY to move towards becoming a manufacturer of cash handling machines. The method of using centrifugal force to retract each individual coin is a superior technology, which is still adopted in our current coin counter.
The business of Glory started as a small-scale factory in Himeji city with only 7 employees. One hundred years later, it has grown into a global company that deploys products and solutions in more than 100 countries around the world. Here, we introduce Jusaku Onoe, who overcame several crisis and laid the foundation of Glory. Our corporate philosophy “We will contribute to the development of a more secure society through a striving spirit and co-operative efforts” said by Jusaku Onoe has been inherited by Glory employees.
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