July 8, 2024
The 2nd Summer Hands-on Class for Parents and Children.
On July 6, 2024, the GLORY Foundation for Elementary School Students held the Summer Hands-on Class for Parents and Children. This time, about 120 4th- to 6th-grade elementary school students and their parents were invited to enjoy the drone piloting experience.
On the day, the instructor explained the definition and history of drones, the work that can be done with drones, and how to operate them, followed by hands-on drone operation. After the instruction, they immediately grabbed the controllers and tried their hand at piloting the drones. At first, they were cautious about flying the drones, but they quickly learned how to fly them, and by the end of the class, they were able to freely operate the drones. The children commented that “it was difficult to get them to hover,” and “they learned that drones are used for various jobs.”
The drone piloting experience
Tried their hand at piloting the drones
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