
Sustainability News


November 30, 2023


The 12th Autumn Hands on Class for Parents and Children - The Hot Air Balloon Riding

GLORY Foundation for Elementary School Students held the 12th Autumn Hands on Class for Parents and Children in Himeji, Hyogo on November 11, 2023 based on the theme “Let's experience the Hot-Air Balloon Riding.”

This year, about 220 elementary school students and their parents were invited to the event at Hakuro elementary and junior high school in Himeji to experience hot-air balloon ride. During the class in a balloon set up in the gymnasium of the school, they also learned the mechanisms of the balloon and how it flies. It was an enjoyable day for all participants, who all had a great hot air balloon experience.

  • Hot-Air Balloon Riding

    Hot-Air Balloon Riding

  • Burner ignition experience

    Burner ignition experience

  • Learning the mechanisms of the balloon

    Learning the mechanisms of the balloon


  • Corporate Communications Dept.
    TEL: +81-79-297-3131

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